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About The Author: Hanna Shnaider
PhD in Philology | Passionate About Modern Technologies | Bringing Digitalization Towards the Business
More posts by Hanna Shnaider
FortySeven - eCommerce vs mCommerce

eCommerce vs mCommerce. Infographics 2020-2022

Online Commerce analytics, including both ecommerce and mcommerce puts the brilliance and power of data in your hands. Businesses are learning more about the differences between ecommerce and mcommerce and its influence. Could mobile technology increase productivity and scale up the business? FortySeven Software Professionals has prepared an infographic, check our report regarding online commerce….

  • 8 August 2019
  • 2 minutes to read

Pluribus: The First AI Bot Beats Human Poker Players

Pluribus, this is the name of the first AI bot who has beaten top human players in a complex game with more than two players. Pluribus is the AI bot, that has been developed by Facebook in collaboration with Carnegie Mellon University. AI bot has won by playing against a group of elite human professionals,…

  • 12 July 2019
  • 2 minutes to read
FortySeven - Pluribus: The First AI Bot Beats Human Poker Players

What can we expect from Artificial Intelligence? Infographic 

Nowadays practically every major industry is looking for ways to utilize the rapidly growing technology for efficiency. We’ve prepared an Artificial Intelligence infographic. Stuart Russell, a Professor of Computer Science at Berkeley, winner of the IJCAI Computers And Thought Award, Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery, Fellow of the American Academy for the Advancement…

  • 11 July 2019
  • 1 minute to read
FortySeven - What can we expect from Artificial Intelligence? Infographic

6 Ways to Start Innovating Today: 2022

Staying relevant? A new idea that generates value and adds extra value? Start innovating today. The innovation is finding the balance between new ways of doing things, with things familiar to people. Innovation doesn’t have to be something that nobody has thought of before, it can simply be something a lot better that what exists…

  • 24 March 2019
  • 2 minutes to read
FortySeven - How to start innovating today
FortySeven - Kia Presented Four-Door Concept Car

Kia Presented Four-Door Concept Car

Imagine by Kia Kia’s new concept unveiled at the Geneva International Motor Show. “Automotive design is about capturing the heart and making it beat that bit faster for that bit longer. We believe that there’s absolutely no reason why that should change simply because the car is powered by electricity. That’s why our all-electric concept…

  • 19 March 2019
  • 2 minutes to read
Ambassador of FortySeven Software Professionals: Disruptive Innovation in Tel Aviv 2019

Ambassador of FortySeven Software Professionals: Disruptive Innovation in Tel Aviv 2019

FortySeven’ ambassador in Tel Aviv has been participating in the meeting of innovators by Axis. The meeting was held for venture capitals firms, private investors from all around the world: Israel, Brasil, Spain, France, Italy, Mexico, Cyprus, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Russia, Canada etc. All of them were looking for perspective projects. The main idea of…

  • 15 March 2019
  • 2 minutes to read
FortySeven - AI Impact on Humans: Welcome Microsoft HoloLens 2

AI Impact on Humans: Welcome Microsoft HoloLens 2

Microsoft has unveiled the latest iteration of its mixed reality headset on February 26 during the 2019 Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. This data now is considering as a new direction of the future. And it’s not only about the new strategy of Microsoft for tackling augmented reality, it’s more about the possibilities for employees….

  • 27 February 2019
  • 2 minutes to read
FortySeven - E-world Energy and Water 2019: FortySeven Software Professionals

E-world Energy and Water 2019: FortySeven Software Professionals

FortySeven Software Professionals has been participating at Europe’s leading energy trade fair, E‑world energy and water 2019 at Messe Essen. Around 780 exhibitors from 26 countries were presenting their products innovative products and services to the once more over 25,000 trade visitors. Digitalisation is opening up totally new development potential for the sector. Intelligent solutions…

  • 10 February 2019
  • 2 minutes to read