FortySeven - Best tax software 2020

Top 6 Best Tax Software 2021

What Are Taxes? Taxes has appeared in ancient times, but they use to name it differently. Let’s take an ancient Rome: Tributum soli, the tax on land; Aes uxorium – a tax on unmarried men and women who could bear children; Centesima rerum venalium – a tax on goods sold at auction; Vectigal – a tax on occupiers of Roman state land; Fiscus…

  • 30 December 2019
  • 3 minutes to read

DevOps Technologies and Benefits in 2022

DevOps is an emerging technology that works to offer faster and better application development in addition to quicker release of updated or new features in software or products to customers. The practices of DevOps are based on closer relationships, effective communication, cooperation, integration, and increased visibility between development teams (Dev) and IT operation teams (Ops). This relationship enhances every…

  • 9 December 2019
  • 3 minutes to read
FortySeven - DevOps Technologies
Fortyseven - What is Agile Software Development from Customer’s Perspective

Top 10 Benefits of Agile Software Development from Customer’s Perspective

Agile is basically a term used in software development that describes the core tactics or procedure for developing a software. Agile says that the software should be delivered incrementally with team collaboration, continual learning and continual planning instead of delivering your project all at once at the end of the deadline. In Agile, feedback is collected and…

  • 20 August 2019
  • 2 minutes to read
FortySeven - Case Study: How Venture Capital Firm Can Invest in FinTech?

Case Study: How Venture Capital Firm Can Invest in FinTech in 2022?

There are many terms associated with the Venture Capital industry that might even not be known to other investors and entrepreneurs. FinTech is here for a long distance. Venture capital is a subset of private equity (PE). Who was the first person, raising a fund? Georges Doriot, professor of Harvard Business School generally is considered…

  • 10 April 2019
  • 2 minutes to read
FortySeven - Benefits of CRM Software

Benefits of CRM Software for Retail in 2022

In the time of the eCommerce bloom, information became even more valuable currency in a fight for every customer. All retailers, being primarily online, with additional online sales or with only online promotion for their physical store, have to accept the digital transformation of the retail chains. CRM or Customer relationship management is a software…

  • 8 April 2019
  • 4 minutes to read